Tuesday 8 September 2020

Celtic Dragon Fibula - Baltic

Anyone following my train of thought will know what I’m talking about.
Big question: griffin to dragon or horse to bird then dragon, or horse to dragon.
Decoration exactly the same as Celtiberian ‘Xavier’.

Soapbox Time
I really object when egghead types say the Celts didn’t travel, didn’t trade and basically didn’t really know what they were doing.  How shortsighted can people be. The Celts were very sociable and they had massive feasts and religious ceremonies.  Stone Henge has revealed artefacts from the all over the Celtic world.  They were excellent goldsmiths and jewellers and they knew what they made, what they designed and worked, were very high quality, desirable items that were durable, wearable and contained a balanced aesthetic.  Ok, so they had human sacrifice, and wife sharing in remote places, but we also have to remember, for a village to have a young warrior from amongst them fight for his village was a very proud thing, for all parties concerned.

Saying all if this, I need to say at this point that my own personal preoccupation happens to be centred on Mesolithic communities, that’s the end part of the Hunter Gatherer era.  I’ve included this that at this point to shed light on my own journey to understand the ‘bigger picture‘.

Next time I want to talk about Celtic language, migration and neglected Celtic tribes that are still basically living a Celtic life, give or take some invasions and that sort of thing.

Oh what goodies are in store!

P.S. The tree stump is turning to mush.  That’s the great thing about using organic material to speed up the work of detritivors, neighbouring plants stay healthy.

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