Wednesday 9 September 2020

Celtiberian or Etruscan?

This is an interloper post because I found something really interesting that can only be described as a truly divine piece of jewellery.  There are six animals in the design and one naked man with a shield.  I bet you won’t work out which the sixth animal is?  I mean when you see something like this it just leaves you winded.

For a long time I had the impression that the Etruscans were a Celtic tribe originally .  I based this supposition on a stylistic trail that I kept stumbling across and also, you need to look around at rich and poor artefacts to really see their similarities.  Motifs of wild boars, ducks, horses and hares kept popping up.  All with the same circular symbols used as decoration.  I was looking for dragons if you recall.

Now I saw this piece ages ago labelled as Etruscan, then I saw it labelled as Celtiberian, then as Romano Celtic etc.  Style wise it’s Celtic for sure.  The only way I can discuss it in any detail is if I copy it.

Ok so this is a really quick sketch, say 30 minutes.  I’ve got all of it down but I have some problems, well two actually and that’s two swirls of hair from the lion’s mane are missing, he’s supposed to have eight.  The piece is gold, it’s another fibula and it seems to be a little damaged in two parts, but that doesn’t detract.  You can find the image on Pinterest.

I need to tidy the drawing up, add some colour etc.  I think I need to maybe start again on a larger piece of paper?  I don’t know if I have the time.  It depends how much it plays on my mind.

I figured it could be made into clay relief and then painted gold?  I like that idea but having the time to make it is another matter.

I’ll stop there because the day job is a groaning pile of queries.  Don’t these people understand when one is obsessed?


  1. I found this with eight swirls

  2. Meri, this is fantastic, I’m so grateful. You’ve found another one, it means I now have the view of the other side. This is so exciting but daunting because one might be persuaded to attempt a 3-d copy in clay and then paint it gold. I can’t wait to pour over at length. Thanks again hugz

  3. Meri, the hunt is over. There is only one, it’s got bullet proof provenance and furthermore, it’s been copied by a jeweller in Toledo. I’ll post what transpired. It has also been extensively exhibited worldwide.
