Wednesday 28 June 2023

Small things and big ideas

Hi everyone 

I hope your lives are restored to former lockdown frenetic activity, as mine is.

This year is a big year for me in more ways than one.  I looked back over my diary and was pleased that many goals had been attained but no sooner do you jump a hoop, than another hoop presents itself for the challenge.  I think my attitude to all this STUFF is much better now and I feel positive about various tactical manoeuvres.  Remaining positive and finding new things to learn and test yourself makes the daily grind of existence far more enjoyable.  Recently I’ve achieved much more objectivity about my goals and where I really ‘live’.  I live in my head and my head is a secluded space that is all mine, but the outside world tries to gain admittance to that space, but never will, because I am bound in a nutshell and count myself king of infinite space and all that…

Ok so everyone knows motifs are a big thing with me, as well as miniature.  So I made this ‘Fairy House’ recently for my DD.  The plan is to make some more and sell them on Etsy.  Sorry to sound commercially minded, but since thieves commandeered my YouTube monetisation account, I’ve had no money for books or materials.

I tried to sort out this theft from my YouTube videos, but they ask you for the address of the miscreants and how am I suppose to do that?

Things like that make me sick, but you know what, life is too short and I’m trying to get over this blantant misappropriation of my funds.

The inside is decoupaged with A-Z map of where she hopes to live one day….call it a dream box….

A dream box box comes from the idea of a dream board and that is something that really works psychologically on a person, if you ask me.   I went to one of the Rich Dad Poor Dad lectures run by Robert T Kiyosaki and they suggested it.  

I bought the wooden box, painted it with gesso, then decoupaged it with a paper napkin, after finding the scale I needed, then embellished the top with various schmonzes…(now there’s a word for Google translate to knot it’s underwear over).

I think the big thing to remember when you decoupage is to spray the image with hair lacquer first, so that the colours don’t run.

Apart from that I’m knitting, working through my book 365 cakes and making soup stock.  The land I took over has suffered 40 degree heat and then 3 weeks of solid snow, luckily on two plants died and they were so fragile, I wasn’t surprised.  

I bought yet more power tools, they taken up a lot of space but they do save my hands, especially my thumb joint which gets weird now and again.  

Favourite stitch at the moment = Double Colonial Knot, perfect for small projects!

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