Tuesday 1 December 2009

I found the original link to the image of the bag I posted on here: The bag's in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, they published 'Twixt Art & Nature' if you recall.. Here's the link: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ho/08/euwb/ho_1986.300.1.htm I would like to say here, now, that I don't want my life to be taken over by an all-consuming obsession you understand, but I would very much like to decipher how they made the bag and plot my findings on here. Needless to say, I'm most interested in the "elaborately embroidered surface decoration". I didn't want to say it before because I suppose I'm interested in so many things and was scared to commit, if you know what I mean? Trouble is though, that I don't have a lot of time for it, but gradually, hopefully, in tiny incremental steps, I would really love to somehow OWN THAT BAG! Apart from that, just finding out how-on-earth they made it is what excites me most, and all the ideas that hopefully stem from that journey... I'm going to write to the Museum's Costume Institute and ask if they could possibly send me larger images. I'm going to draw it soon, in detail, in coloured washes. I've started my preliminary sketches (aka mad scribbles!!!). If you'd like to see how many gorgeous bags that Museum has in its vaults, just get a load of this bunch of thumbnails: http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/collection_database/the_costume_institute/listview.aspx?page=1&sort=0&sortdir=asc&keyword=bag&fp=1&dd1=8&dd2=0&vw=1

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